The Project List

Successful Great Projects

  1. Race to the South Pole (Amundsen)

  2. The 19th Amendment to United States Construction 

  3. Empire State Building

  4. Manhattan Project

  5. IBM System/360

  6. US Moon Landing

  7. Boeing 747

  8. Windows 95

  9. Boeing 777

  10. Toy Story: First Computer-Animated Feature-Length Film 

  11. Toyota Prius

  12. Saving Ford from Bankruptcy


  1. Race to the South Pole (Scott)

  2. Equal Rights Amendment

  3. Uranium Club (Germany's Manhattan Project)

  4. Soviet Moon Landing

  5. Copland Operating System

  6. Boeing 737 MAX

  7. Saving GM from Bankruptcy

Other Projects

These projects defy simple classification as successes or failures, representing ambitious endeavors with complex outcomes:

  1. Sydney Opera House

  2. Saturn The Car Company

  3. Boston Big Dig

Projects Not Included

While undeniably impressive, these projects were excluded from the study due to unique factors.

  • Hoover Dam: Leadership showed constant disregard for human life.

  • Great Wall of China: No first-hand accounts, and relied heavily on forced labor.

  • Pyramids: No first-hand accounts are available.


Research Process


Great Project Framework